Ghostly Mysteries: A School Haunting and the Power of Kindness – Short Stories in English

Ghostly Mysteries: A School Haunting and the Power of Kindness - Short Stories in English


Sara, Jack, and Emma were three adventurous kids who loved solving mysteries. They had heard rumors that their school was haunted, so they decided to investigate.

This interesting English short story is about their adventure in the school after hours.

The Haunted School

Armed with their flashlights, the trio set out to explore the school after hours. As they made their way through the halls, they heard strange noises and saw mysterious shadows.

Ghostly Mysteries A School Haunting and the Power of Kindness - Short Stories in English-sarah,jack,emma with flashlight

But their curiosity kept them going, and they followed the clues that led them to an old library.

Ghostly Mysteries: A School Haunting and the Power of Kindness - Short Stories in English-sarah,jack,emma in old library

The Old Book and the School Curse

In the library, they found an old book that held the key to the mystery. The book revealed the story of a young girl who had died in the school many years ago.

Ghostly Mysteries: A School Haunting and the Power of Kindness - Short Stories in English-book in old library

Her ghost was said to haunt the school, and the only way to break the curse was to solve the mystery of her death.

Solving the Mystery and Spreading Kindness

Using their detective skills, the kids followed the clues and discovered the truth behind the girl’s death. They found an old diary that revealed that she had been bullied and felt alone.

Ghostly Mysteries: A School Haunting and the Power of Kindness - Short Stories in English-old diary

She had taken her own life, and her ghost had been haunting the school ever since. The kids realized that the best way to break the curse was to spread kindness and prevent bullying. They created a kindness campaign and encouraged their classmates to be kind to each other.


As they left the school, they felt proud of their accomplishment and the knowledge that they had helped to break the curse. This English short story for children teaches that kindness has the power to break any curse and make the world a better place.

Moral of the Story

The moral of this English short story is that kindness can overcome even the most haunting curses. By spreading kindness and preventing bullying, the kids were able to break the curse and put the ghost to rest. This story emphasizes the importance of creating a safe and inclusive environment for everyone, and English short stories with morals like this one are great for teens and children as they can learn important life lessons in a very simple and engaging way.

Author: pampasingh

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